Multi-brand management: display the orders for your different brands on a single screen

One cuisine but several brands? You can centralize all of your orders on a single tablet, all you have to do is cook!

gestion multimarque

What is multi-brand management ?

By activating this option, the brand associated with the order will be displayed in the kitchen on the receipt, as well as at the counter and on the special delivery screen. But that’s not all ! If you have one cook per brand, TicknCook allows you to display only the first brand’s orders on one shelf and the second brand’s orders on another shelf in the kitchen. This is made possible by a brand filter.

Multi-brand management is ideal for

dark kitchens

Dark kitchens

restauration événementielle

Food courts

The advantages of multi-brand management


Easily manage your platform orders

grande cuisine

Separate your orders to minimise confusion


Get an overview of the orders at the counter or at the runner's


How to activate multi-brand management?

Create your TicknCook Standard account then contact us to ask us to activate the multi-brand management option.

You can then test it for free for 15 days.


Want to know more?

Make an appointment directly with the TicknCook sales team who will explain to you by video and for a maximum of 45 minutes how the application works, how to install and test it, etc. You can also ask all your questions 🙂
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